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Good game :) The narration drives the story.

Thanks 😊 Glad you enjoyed it!

"Take that you babies!" :)

Very funny and well executed. Only annoying thing is finding the pacifier/key in the baby realm. I spent too much time doing this on last level. Some kind of minimap would be helpful. Also the baby realm could have a fence around playable area and some distinct landmarks.

That’s probably my favourite voice line in the game, and I feel your frustrations with trying to find the items in the future world sometimes… mostly they can be found with little effort, sometimes they’re behind a tree or something which makes it hard. As with everything else, time was a factor in these decisions

(1 edit)

Yeah, once I had the pacifier hiding behind the tree and other time it appeared in plain sight but I just somehow kept on missing it for minutes. Thing with trees could be turned into a game mechanic where you search trees for items. Once searched tree is then marked as such, adding exploration element to baby arena... But yeah, it's a jam game so all is forgiven... Still, playthrough is a smooth and well rounded experience. Thumbs up!

I had an idea to have an outline around the items that is drawn in front of the scenery making them always visible, but ran out of time to create the assets…

I restarted the game and I must admit that it gives a plus with the sounds. It's more imersive but I have an idea of the gameplay.

What if babies get over it after a while? I mean sometimes I had a hard time finding the red key or the other item. And I would find that would give the game more challenge.

I contemplated making the babies stop feeding after a while and start chasing you again, but it messed with the mechanics (set number of babies to bottles etc, and the rules for finishing the level).

I originally planned to add an arrow that points you in the direction of objects (like a compass), but as it was not essential to gameplay, it got left until the end and time ran out...

The story is really cute and funny, the music is also well made, but I don't like the gameplay and the graphics!

But it's still a funny and cute game!

Thanks for the feedback!  My main goal was to finish the game in time for the jam so I worked backwards from the action gameplay (future world) to the rpg style gameplay in the present day world... I was planning to make the babies a bit smarter and add collision into the future world but time just ran out... As for the graphics, I had to make all of it as well (some from scratch, others from free to use sources that I had to modify)... Once again, no time left to improve it..

I only play in easy mode and I only lost once ^^ It's really good! I liked it but I would have liked the babies to cry if they didn't have their bottles. But otherwise it's really cool to play this game.

Thanks Loubi, I was always planning to have the babies make giggle noises and cry when they attack... couldn't find easily accessible free to use audio samples in time, the other audio I recorded myself which was fun, the music was also some open license stuff I found online...

Also, if you do end up reaching the end of the game, there is a little bit of comedy towards the end...